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15 November 2007

A Million Little MiniFruits...

So I've been thinking how basically I've traded one addiction (food) for another (weight loss). There are a lot of odd similarities. I've got to weigh myself every morning and if I miss a day I'm kind of *tweaked* all day and feel like I forgot to do something VERY important but weighing myself later in the day is too risky! And if I go more than a couple days without showing a loss, I swear I get so irritable and cranky! It is like I'm going through weight loss withdrawals. I think in many ways the process (and reward structure) of losing weight is astoundingly addictive.

Unrelated, I was looking around this evening for a fruit serving and happened upon some Gerrber Graduates Minifruits on the shelf. Okay, I thought. I need to know something about what he's eating, right? Yeah. Well, I just wolfed down the whole bag. Though it was the same calories/fat as fresh fruit I tell you I FEEL like I was having something very naughty because it comes in a brightly colored, *satisfyingly* crinkly bag. I don't think I'll be starting on his turkey/vegetable pureee next, but who can ever tell...

13 November 2007

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
91.6 kg 21.8 kg 21.3 kg Reasonably Well
   (3 comments) Losing 1.3 kg a Week

09 November 2007

Gawd, today was so busy. I got up at 8, and took a quiet moment to read a bit more from that book by Gina Kolata, RETHINKING THIN. It's mildy depressing. Basically, the thesis is pretty much anyone can lose weight but keeping it off is somewhat impossible genetically if you're meant to be fat. It covers all this science which points to the idea that our body does have a say in things. Apparently our little peptides work with our neurons fight you no matter how iron your will! The book is trying to tackle why almost everyone who loses significant weight tends to regain it either quickly or over time. If nothing else, it helps one realize that losing weight is actually (somewhat) the easy part.

Anyway, lest I depress you further I'll get on with it. I did 1:15 minutes of hot yoga today, and our instructor actually complimented my progress. He's a very fit dude (think David Carradine from Kung Fu) and as my Yogi it was nice to get some praise. Then I raced over to pick up the kid from childcare so I could drive back across town to meet another friend for a 1:30 minute walk through her neighborhood. Damn, after that yoga class it felt like it was uphill, both ways! Then I had to rush over to the bank where they always treat me like crap for some reason. I wonder what kind of koolaid bank tellers in that place drink because it makes 'em total prigs.

Bored yet? Next, I had to race home and make 40 pecan tarts for a "friends" early Thanksgiving tomorrow. Did I ever mention I grew up on a Pecan farm? Yeah, bring on the "wow you grew up on a nut farm" jokes. I've heard em all. Anyway, my challenge was to make the delicious little gobs without eating any. I had one teensy bite (just to verify they're guest-worthy) and damn it was good. But they are all packed away now and ready to go for tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I have to get up early and go to my "Hillary Clinton Campaign Volunteer Training" over on the bad side of town. Should be an adventure. I'm bringing my Jenny Craig food with me and just praying they have coffee. I hope after a day like today I'll be down a little bit on the scale tomorrow. It was a scorcher for activity.

By the way, if you ever really want to know how fat you are, do this pose because basically you're holding all your fat in your hands. Well, everything above the hips anyway. It's brutal.

(incidentally, that's my Yogi in the pic)

Well, I'm off to bed. Here's hoping I can behave tomorrow night at the Thanksgiving Dinner thing. There will be about 50 people there and so much food it's ridiculous. But I'm not really craving Thanksgiving foods, I'm craving great Mexican food so I think I'll be okay. That is, until I arrive in Mexico next Saturday. Then it's going to be serious business. And I'm planning to eat some of it too! But we'll be walking all over so hopefully that will help.


07 November 2007

I'm screwed. As many of you know I just survived a month long marathon visit with my in-laws for all of October. I've had about a 2 week break and then we all meet in Mexico for Thanksgiving. I thought it would be nice to do Thanksgiving in Mexico (with his family) because we're doing Christmas with my family in Arizona. This was also planned before I knew his mom would be here for all of October. Yeah. I figured, why not! I can handle a week of group time, right? Well, apparently they are all flying back here with us (uncle, aunt, sister, mother-in-law) for varying length visits, but my mother-in-law will be here until January 8th! I just spent ALL OF OCTOBER and before that all of JULY she was here. She's a nice woman but when she's here it is like something going on every day where I'm expected to be, or bring my son so they can spend time with him. I left my job to care full time for my son and now I feel like this is my new job. Which I hate. A lot. It isn't that they are bad people it is just that I have my own life and my own friends and intersts and I'm tired of putting all of that aside to constantly juggle a calendar where I see them way too often to even have anything good to talk about. I feel like a prisoner! I was so relieved when October ended because I could stop stressing out and now I just want to start bawling because I can't believe I'm set to spend a week solid with them right before they come here for over a month. We've already spent thousands on the trip so cancelling it is not happening. I'm just so extremely depressed about this.

06 November 2007

BMI Progress! I decided to check this out this week and the progress is really incredible. When I started my BMI was 35.9, also known as "severely obese" (gulp!). As of today, my BMI is 29.3 which is defined as "slightly overweight" according to the site I used. I don't really worry about labels but it is amazing how much progress can be made in one quarter of a year toward better health. I just think that I could so easily have let things continue to slide for this past three months and I'd still be saying "I'll start tomorrow, or next week...or after this party/holiday/birthday/younameitexcuse."

I am so glad I started when I did and that I'm heading into the holidays (and to see my family) much less preoccupied with the weight than I would have been. I still have a ways to go but at least I won't shock anyone who sees me at Christmas. Lately I've been sort of "sick" of thinking about food and diets all the time so it is nice to reflect and catalogue some of these great postiives of all that work.

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